Hobsons Bay residents are invited to provide input to the Hobsons Bay 2030 Community Vision and the development of the Council Plan 2021-2025.
We encourage you to have your say over Council plans for our future, you can provide a quick survey response here https://participate.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/refreshing-community-vision-hobsons-bay
With regard to The Substation, our community needs to let Council know that they should not fund an undemocratic, self-elected and self serving organisation that excludes local residents.
Hobsons Bay City Council should not be providing over $1M in funding to an organisation that has taken control of an asset created by volunteers in our community, for the benefit of all citizens of Hobsons Bay.
This self-elected Committee of Management of The Substation restricts membership of the Incorporated Association and limits access to a privileged few.
Let the Council know that The Substation must become more inclusive in both its organisational structure and in the arts based activities it promotes; otherwise it should be stripped of its $1M of ratepayers funding.
For more information and to participate visit https://participate.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/refreshing-community-vision-hobsons-bay