What people are saying.

Below is a snap shop of comments by community members signing the petition or registering their interest in current issues at The Substation.

“The Sub Station is the result of many very dedicated, hard working members of this community. To learn that the original purpose of its creation has been hijacked by a group of self appointed, self interested people is very disturbing. The facility was created by the community and is supported by the community through the rates we pay Hobsons Bay Council. Another example of elite, self absorbed people feeding their egos with their supposed self importance.”

“I feel the venue has really been under utilised. If you look at other local venues such as the Footscray community Arts centre – they have really embraced the community with arts, affordable and accessible to everyone.”

“The substation seems to be a private enterprise and has not engaged with the local community for many years. Such a great space, such a shame.”

“There used to be so many more community events, exhibitions, music, weddings, markets, school exhibitions etc and I probably visited once a fortnight or so. The music events in particular often had a dozen of us attending for a good night out. The few events I see advertised (suggesting it sits idle most of the time) dont seem to have appeal. I miss the art and music.”

I am just preparing a HISTORY page for the website, a number of people have texted/emailed me to let me know that they cannot find any information about the history of the transformation of the Newport Substation. Even on the official Substation website there is no history available. I will send it through in another email.

“A public asset whose potential was realised by visionary hard working volunteers initially at their own expense. I am appalled by the contempt of the current management to deny these pioneers and the public a voice.”

“I have been disappointed that the Substation has not become the wonderful community space that we hoped it would be. It seems to be hardly used! What a waste of money! It is a wonderful space and should be used for a diverse range of community activities. Shame on you Hobsons Bay!”

“The Substation was restored with donations and countless hours of work from committed volunteers who believed they were contributing to an accessible community resource to benefit all. My involvement was through working bees during restoration work and then with running the artist’s market.  It is of great concern to me that our “Community arts” space has quickly become an elitist institution that in no way promotes true community engagement in the arts, in the way Footscray Community Arts centre does. This is a direct result of management practices and policies. I don’t know who is currently benefitting from the operation of the Substation as I am no longer a member, but it is time for our community to have  access to a space that serves the interests of the community that worked so tirelessly to create it. Some serious oversight and community consultation is long overdue.”

“I remember several years ago I was able to go and see some fantastic performance events at The Substation (both high and not-so-high level), then all of a sudden they were gone and in their place just contemporary art. I felt like The Substation had suddenly become less-welcoming to its own community. I am not opposed to the contemporary art – the spaces within The Substation are perfect for it, but it would be great to allow the space to be used for a wider variety of interest groups within Hobsons Bay.”

“The current committee has subverted the purposes and turned into an elitist space for a niche number of people interested in contemporary art rather than the diverse program that originally ran. I feel Council has to remedy this situation as the committee in its current form would not technically qualify for grants of public money without a strong community base.”